About Us

eventcloud™ is to help lead the way as a mainstream digital events guide and advertising platform to help us all find out “What’s on, Where and When!”. We have built our technology to allow anyone to create, share, find and attend new things to do that fuel our passions and enrich our lives. Music festivals, marathons, conferences, charity fundraisers, political rallies, gaming competitions — you name it, we will try to support it. Our mission? To help people find WOWAW (What’s on, Where and When) near you or the places you intend to visit.

eventcloud™ offers supportive apps also for on the move offering truly interactive search features to find the things you love. Not only this but we are also one of the first if not only events platforms to heavily tie all of our specific towns and cities in with social media like never before. Each location as we grow is made supportive with city representative agent that keeps specific content flowing information with major followed social media pages, therefore always letting the people who are interested in the things going on around them up to date. This way our followers never miss a thing!    

eventcloud™ offers the professional way for advertisers to seamlessly managed and list a specified targeted ad steam to their target audience in a digital system that is proven to be 100% more effective than traditional advertising. No more flyering, no more posters, no more hoping the venue page to where you event is taking place is being followed by social media. Our streams are direct to our brand and tie in to all major media channels like not other online provider to date. We also offer key features that allow you to SEO your events, find exciting new venues, offer promotions and discount offers and of course add your favorite things to your watch list.

We are growing our brand throughout the UK and with your help are offering community events that also help raise money in your local area by voting for the venues you would like to see things take place and the artists you would like to support see. By working together we can help raise money by putting on the thing you like and money from the ticket sales sold will go towards local community and health care systems. To find out more on this click here  

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